Image & video


Brand movie

What life teaches us about people, is what inspires us to develop technology.

Technology that helps people become happier and more successful in their professional lives.
Technology, with a sustainable impact.
Technology that we call: Technology for Life.

Technology for Life – English (no subtitles)
Technology for Life – English (with English subtitles)
Technology for Life (with Dutch subtitles)

Video templates

Motion Graphics templates which u can use in Adobe Premiere or Rush. Each template contains either expressive or base colour templates. Have a specific wish or would like to use the sources Aftereffects files, please contact

Logo signature video
Looping background
Lower Third – Line
Transitions – Base & Expressive
Lower Third – Shape


Below you can download the inspirational briefing for Nedap Photography.

Inspirational briefing Nedap photography – English
Inspiratiebriefing Nedap fotografie – Nederlands